(*hhmmm, if u asked how about my fins, mask, snorkel and booty, well, that's gifts from kor... hehehee, i didn't buy it myself*)
Knowing that kor is using some quite old handkerchief, i've always wanting to get some new one for kor, but just don't know where to get it as i only remembered i bought in pasar malam for my dad when i was young.
Got 6 of it today after kor showed me where to get it... heheheheee... (*err, not that i don't want to find it for u when u are not around, it's just that i really have no idea where to get it mah... that's why ask u to show me where can i get it lo... therefore, no surprise for u... sorry... :p*)
Tiring and frustrating shopping day for me.
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