Friday, August 10, 2007

Missing you

I miss playing piano...

I miss those schooling days where after school, i can sit at home and start practicing piano, practicing my pieces. Those are the days where i'm alone at home while mom is at work and sis and bro at school, i have my quiet time at home practicing piano for hours.

Talk about now? Hhmmm.... I rarely have home-alone time. At least more than half-a-day where i'm out of the house to the working world. The left-over hours, either mom or bro or sis will be at home blasting the TV so loudly. If i can't hold-on to my urge, i will be banging on the piano while they blast louder on their TVs (each of them has their own TV. Yes, i'm talking about mom, sis and bro) so...... most of the time, i'll just give-up on contributing to the noise that my neighbours had to suffer.

I've not been touching my piano for months (i think?). Quite interestingly, whenever i play piano at home, my cats will come disturbing as well... :D Especially Buddy and Abigail, they will come stepping on the keys while i'm playing with it. I wonder why.... hhmmm.... :p

I wonder when will i have hours sitting at home alone playing with piano and pieces...

Awaiting for this day.