Place that we never missed visiting is the Jonker Street! Everytime we are back in Malacca, Jonker Street will be the place to see cute little things (though very crowded which i'm very afraid) and most importantly their cendols and ABCs. This time, aunty said want to have dinner there as well, so there we went... enjoying our cendols and delicious laksa!
Pic 1: Penang laksa... should have ordered normal laksa (which is curry actually)
Pic 2: Uncle and aunty enjoy their laksa and cendol (**cendol with gula malacca! delicious!**)
Pic 3: Me, enjoying the delicious penang laksa... yummyyy... smells perfect!
After a full meal, we went exercising around Jonker Street, looking at cute little things there! :D I bought some cute stuff too, show in another blog. :p
Before going home, we went to have supper too! This time, yummy! :D It's SaTAy CELup..... YYUuummMMMmyyyYY
Pic 4: Satay satay... mari makan... (this is Malaccan satay... hehehe... so different from satay kajang)
Pic 5: Wah! More satays...
Pic 6: This is the one that we loved the most! All of us... uncle, aunty, kor and me! ;p It's cockle a.k.a kerang...
Pic 7: Come eat... mari celup...
Pic 8: This is Malacca unique SaTAy CeLuP =D
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