Saturday, March 08, 2008

Durian durian....

Everyone in the family also loves durian.... Durian season just started so it's super expensive ok.......

Pic 1: Enjoying durian....

Pic 2: Even Buddy Boy also enjoying it... goodness!!

Pic 3: Not only Buddy Boy, but Sydney Gal as well. Can you spot them?

Pic 4: Delicious duriansssss... got those 'pahit' taste wannn xp

Pic 5: Aiyoyo... Buddy Boy enjoying it sooooo much!

**Too bad my darling not around... He sure enjoy it very much if he is around...**


Elizabeth said...

Durian!!!!!!!! =p
haha, i think i feel like eating everytime i read ur blog. *grins* nice nice!! ^^

actually dun really like durian.. but don't know why suddenly have huge crawing after reading ur post. =b

durian!!!!!!! haha.