Wednesday, January 09, 2008


My kor is officially a "houseman" now as he is jobless and he only take care of the house, send me to work and pick me back from work and does all the cooking. =)
Pic 1: Soup boiled for hours in the slow cooker, delicious! Kor really qualified to be the houseman / house-husband / my future hubby! xp

Pic 2: Delicious vegie... yummy!

Pic 3: scrambled eggs with ham... Sehr lecker!! (Very tasty in german)

Pic 4: Herba soup that boiled for hours since morning! ;)

Pic 5: Our simple dinner and yet full of laughter.

*Thanks darling*


navy1048 said...

wah!! nice lorrr!! simple and yet nice

~ HöOVéRBélL a.k.a BéCKz ~ said...

hehe, ya... simple and nice.