GSL celebrated my birthday earlier so we decided to go to Steven's Corner and both of us ordered all sort of food... :D Check out the pics man! I'm hungry as I'm blogging this!
Pic 1: I had cheese mutton murtabak while GSL ordered nasi lemak with fried sotong and garlic cheese naan. ;) *Pic taken from GSL's blog*
Pic 2: Arrgh... foooooood... how can I resist??? :p *Pic taken from GSL's blog*As we were eating, suddenly GSL asked if i can smell the "smelly tofu". To me, i can't smell anything else other than our delicious food.
Anyway, out of curiousity, we went to look for the "smelly tofu" after our dinner coz i wanted to try it. :D Finally we found the mini lorry selling this "smelly tofu" and GSL bought 1 packet for me and kor to try... kekekekekeee...
Pic 3: The "smelly tofu"Kor just took 1 and eat it just like that... -__-"
Pic 4: Frankly speaking, i don't really like it and it took me so super long to finish up everything... and the stinking smell stays in my mouth the whole nite! Yuckkkkky... BluuuuekkkkThis is the smelliest ever present i've ever got! Thanks GSL! I will remember you for life for sure... WWaahahahhaa... ;) Thanks for everything! **Muakzz**
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