Purposely swap to morning shift with colleague so that i can be home early to celebrate my darling's birthday.
Presented his birthday present to him yesterday, heheheee... got him a Bonia wallet and belt.
Went to get him a cake after work today, wanted to give him surprise geh...
And since my darling like Sushi, so i bring him for Sushi for dinner lo...
Pic 1: My darling very camera shy wan... so instead of taking our pics, i took the fishie pic la as rememberance... ;p
Pic 2: Some of the dishes we had...
Pic 3: Simple cake for darling which he already found out earlier on, so no surprise d...
Pic 4: Must show the 'isi kandungan' wan... :D
Pic 5: Since kor kor so old d, better not to show so many candles out la... hehheee...
Pic 6: "Happy Birthday to you kor... Love you always..."
Pic 7: And most importantly, a kissy to represent all... ;)**And don't ask me what happen after that... wahahhahahaaa...**
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