During my night after all the CTS activities, i'm out with Christine and Kerry. :p Both of them came to look for me, then Kerry showed me around Kuantan and end up with mamak session.
Pic 1: The delicious maggi goreng and teh ice
Pic 2: Finally got the permission to put 1 of her pic into my blog... :p tks ya!
Since my roomate is having their party with other colleagues, Kerry and Christine came to my room... and more photo sessions going on... ;)
I love the toilet the most... hehehee... therefore, must get the pic!
Pic 3: Nice shot by Kerry
Pic 4: Since i love the toilet so much, surely need to take a pic as remembrance... :p
Pic 5: I love this background too... hehehehee
Pic 6: Daa daaa... silly pic sessions going around in the middle of the night... :D It's about 3 in the morning...
Pic 7: This is Kerry.. hehehee.. who help to take all the pics... tks ya!
Overall, the time spending together with Christine and Kerry is the best compared with other activities together with my colleagues coz i can be my true self together with my 2 old buddy! :D *Thank you Lord for this 2 good friends that i have, especially those college days with Christine, where we shared everything.*
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