Last week, suddenly one email pop-up asking for explaination of a request that i have done at work. I was so stressed up by that, thinking in my mind that it would be better if we talk it out face to face rather than explaining it through the email. Immediately, i sent out prayer request via sms to all my prayer buddies asking for prayer. I know prayer works. Getting replies from them already calming me down a bit knowing that i have prayer support, back up from behind. ;) *TQ* Still, i was feeling quite down the whole day at work coz not sure if my explanation is acceptable or not. :p (Thank God, He answered my prayer within 24 hours. Explanation was accepted by manager)
Sis was quite hot-tempered recently, shouting a lot at home. Something is wrong. Later got to know that she was also having work stress. Just started new job recently, learning new things at work, she can't really cope up so she was feeling very stress, therefore after work, everyone at home kena from her... kekekkee... Poor cats, poor bro, poor mom...
2 days ago, LT called crying on the phone asking for prayer. She was so stressed up by her work. She was so afraid of the lady boss who scold her all the time, purposely attacking her. Stress till can't sleep, 2am woke up and can't sleep anymore... poor her...
Another classic example, SL. See her also so poor thing. Can't really do anything except complaining. Ask her to resign but she love OB too much to leave his company. What to do then? Only can OB here OB there in her blog lo... Poor gal...
Read about CH's blog too... same case... work stress... hai....
Well, this is working world lo... After schooling, we need to face working world. Therefore, we need to bear with all this work stress. So we must all make a point, don't only work for money. Must have something exciting in life after working so hard such as...
D-I-V-I-N-G, etc. etc. etc. =D
ooii.. i'd rather 'shut down' & 'terminate' myself than to love OB! eeeyewwww!!!! disgusting wei! wahahahahaha....
sigh.. work shucks.. still, cari makan susah, apa boleh buat lerr...
true... it's all because of money, cari makan...
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