Thursday, November 16, 2006

Next chapter of life

I'm accepting the truth now or should i say, i have accepted the truth? It is my 26th days of being singled again. During this break-up period, i have learnt how to cry and yield to God, doing some silly things in life, jog in the rain, get myself involved in more sports just to get my time pass quickly rather than sitting at home alone letting my mind thinking non-stop. Those sleepless nights are scary and only contributing tears to my pillow. But i'm thankful to some of my friends around me who are supporting me all the ways. *Thank you*

Many of you might be shock and ask why, or maybe many of you will think it's such a waste of preserving this "Long-Distance relationship" of 3 years 5 months, but towards the end, we still can't be together. What i can say is, "all things work out for good to those who love Him - Rom 8:28" or rather, i choose to think it this way. There are no rights or wrongs, i guess, both of us will just learn from it and shall not repeat the mistakes in the future.

Well... it's hard for me to accept it in the beginning but life have to go on and the earth is moving, not going to wait for me to moan too long so i better start to wake up and move on. Looking out from my window, i can see the bright shiny sky awaiting for me to continue my new journey that i'm going to face. I better start walking and start to leave some good footprints around, making my life worth on earth. :)

Life is full of surprises, so appreciate all the people around us, give thanks each day because He is there always. No matter what happen and how worse things goes, God is always there, guilding us through and He is there, sending friends around us to give us hope and smile again.

Thank you Daddy in Heaven and thank you friends around me. ;)