Actually on Thursday night, mama prayed to God and asked God to send dl and i to call mama and say we want to go and visit papa together with mama because she don't dare to drive alone. Well, after 2 hours of mama's prayer, mama nearly give up and said we won't call anymore coz is already 9pm but after few more minutes, dl called mama and said we would like to visit papa. So mama was so happy that God answered her prayer.
So mama fetched us to visit papa on Friday, it needs about 1 hour+ to drive from Albstadt to Ulm. Started our journey at 11am and stop by at this big catholic church on the way to Ulm.
Pic 1: Mama and me in front of this very big catholic church on our way to Ulm.
Pic 2: Inside the catholic church, look how beautiful it is...
Pic 3: The top of the catholic church
Pic 4: The side of the church
Pic 5: Closer look of one of the drawing... Every drawing is different.
Pic 6: Can see the pipe organ at the top?? Very huge...
Then we continued our journey, at 1pm we finally reached mama's niece's house, they are not in, we just lend their garden to have our lunch there... im so hungry that time... hahahaha....Pic 7: Mama's niece's garden...
Pic 8: Dl at the table getting ready to eat while mama preparing all the packed lunch for us.
Pic 9: Mama cutting cucumber.
Pic 10: Bread for lunch.
Pic 11: Tomato in the niece's house.
Continued our journey again and finally reached the hospital... Papa and mama so loving, mama didn't see papa for 4 days already and she missed papa so much so they hug so much in the hospital... hahahaa....
Pic 12: The loving couple.
Well, eventhough papa is having backache but he still can walk so much. We came out from the hospital and papa bring us walking through the highway, cross the road and to a big land, there are some plantation there... we took about 15mins from the hospital to walk to this big area.
Mama always said papa is a man without peace because he just can't sit still and have to work eventhough he had backache. He even helped his daughter, Beate to shift house and to renovate Beate's house with his backache... he is a hard man... hehehhee
Pic 13: Walking to a huge land of plantation.
Pic 14: A little flower from mama to papa... ooo... so sweet....
Pic 15: Corn.
Pic 16: Malt.
Pic 17: Dl tasted one kind of berry that is very sour plucked by papa.
Pic 18: Ooo.... the lovely couple.... after a long walk, we found a place to sit and we rested there and chit chat.
After an hour out from the hospital, we walk back to the hospital using another way, jungle in Germany... hahaha... so many kinda plants on the way and this is one of them...
Pic 19: Casual nut and the plant.
Well, we stayed in the hospital for another 1 1/2 hours before we travel back to Albstadt, another 1 hour+
On the way mama stopped and mama and dl went out to pluck some sunflowers back... It is raining quite heavy that time....
Pic 20: There is a small coinbox and stated there, 50cent per flower
Pic 21: Plucking sunflowers in the rain...
At last we reached mama's house at 7++ and we have dinner first before mama fetching us home...
Pic 22: Dl and the sunflowers... hehheee... later only i realised that that sunflowers is for me from mama after we finished our dinner, suddenly dl bringing that pot of sunflowers home.... so good of her...
Pic 23: Our dinner, mama fried the sausages (würst), i prepared the salad and we have a packet of smoked fish, a bowl of sup and some of the food from our lunch.
Praise the Lord for this day...
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